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The PSFP is a grant program established by the Western Australian Government with the aim of assisting Western Australian companies to engage with and develop international business capability with the Asian market in industry sectors considered a priority by the State.

About the Program

The PSFP is open to applications by organisations (e.g. Industry Associations, Bilateral Business Organisations, etc.) to run projects on behalf of Western Australia’s priority trade and investment sectors and markets.


The key objectives of the Program are to:

  • Diversify the industries of the Western Australian economy
  • Increase engagement between Western Australia and Asia
  • Increase exports, investment, market knowledge, and/or business partnerships

Projects and funding available

Funding of up to $30,000 (excl. GST) for out-bound and $20,000 (excl. GST) for in-bound projects will be available.

Projects that could be run under the Program may include:

  • Conducting outbound/inbound delegations as customised stand-alone programs
  • Conducting outbound/inbound delegation programs including participation at a key international forum/events
  • Commissioning of in-market research on trade and investment opportunities
  • Running in-market business events that promote trade and investment linkages.

The PSFP is a re-imbursement scheme and therefore successful applicants will need to pay for the activity before making a claim for the approved funding support at the end of the project.

For further information including eligibility, download the Priority Sector Funding Program - Guidelines for Applicants.

How to Apply

  1. Read the PSFP - Guidelines for Applicants to determine eligibility before applying
  2. Discuss application with the relevant JTSI Trade and Investment Market Manager
  3. Submit a completed Application Form with supporting documents and estimated project costings via email to:



PSFP - Guidelines for Applicants

PSFP - Application Form

Trade and Investment contacts

Global Offices contacts