International companies and investors interested in establishing a business in Western Australia must comply with state and federal laws and regulations. Interested parties can access a range of information and assistance services offered by various agencies.

Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC)

Every year the SBDC helps thousands of Western Australians to start and grow their own business. This state government agency offers a wealth of impartial information and resources, most of which are free of charge, to help people establish and run successful and profitable small businesses. They offer a business advisory service; tools, guides and templates to download; and a range of practical workshops covering key business topics.

Business Australia is an online whole-of-government resource that offers easy access to government information, forms and services on planning, starting and growing a business.

Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC)

ASIC protects investors, creditors and consumers by enforcing and regulating company and financial services laws. As well as offering financial advice, a host of services and invaluable information, it has a step-by-step guide to establishing an Australian company, acquiring an Australian company and foreign investment guidelines.

Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB)

The FIRB examines proposed investments in Australia that are subject to the Foreign Investment Policy. It also informs foreign investors on such matters as sector-specific rules, exemptions, monetary thresholds, the acquisition of assets or shares and investor obligations.


Austrade’s Australian Foreign Investment Guide provides useful information on doing business in Australia and the range of assistance available to investors. Potential investors also can view examples of how Austrade has helped investment into Australia in various sectors.

Starting up a business in Western Australia – cost calculator

This Department of Finance’s online site assists businesses in obtaining estimates of various applicable taxes and duties, including land and payroll taxes, and transfer and vehicle duties.

Visas for business people

Foreigners wanting to work in Australia require a valid Australian visa with work rights. The federal Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s visa finder offers assistance in identifying appropriate work visas. The online site also contains the latest news on work visas and other helpful information and links.

Workplace law and human resources

It is vital that would-be business investors fully understand their rights and obligations under Australia’s workplace law. Various online sites offer advice and consultancy services but the best places to start would be the Australian Government’s online information site and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA.

Professional human resources companies are the best sources of information and advice when it comes to staff recruitment. A number of leading international HR companies operate in Perth, servicing major corporations, multinationals, private businesses and government agencies. CCIWA’s Employee Relations Advice Centre is also a good source of information and advice.